The economics behind outsourcing – Website Development Projects

The economics behind outsourcing – Website Development Projects

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Do the words outsourcing and economical go hand in hand??….YES! I think inclusion of the economic concept in the definition of outsourcing is necessary. It should not only refer to the process of subcontracting non-core business activities, but also mention the cost-effective solution involved in it. A company tries to be economical in saving its huge operation costs, involved in space purchase, rentals, hiring equipments, allowances and bonus given to its employees. But being economical doesn’t make source companies to make compromise with the quality. They would rather stress on value rather than the quantity outsourced. The company also tries to avail the advantages of the economic differences while outsourcing website development. Costs including overhead and operations can be drastically reduced, without compromising with the quality of the job. Economic benefits enjoyed by the outsourced company in outsourcing a website development project can be as follows; Firstly, the opportunity cost in outsourcing a website development project is less, compared to onsite development. Secondly, the comparative advantage in outsourcing a web development project is in getting access to talent, total quality management and gaining a cost effective solution. Finally, the non-monetary benefit involved in outsourcing is gaining additional knowledge. The term ‘economical’ may not only refer to money, but also time. Outsourcing can also gain an economical advantage with respect to time.  A company involved in outsourcing website development projects to countries situated in different time zones, can excel in time management on work completion. Companies totally dependent on website for their business cannot afford to choose a third party firm, non-compliant with major web development standards.  The service provider...
Popularity of Wikis is here to stay

Popularity of Wikis is here to stay

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The next most popular site we visit to gather information, next to hitting Google, is undoubtedly the Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. It is THE place to get tolerably reliable, basic information about anything under the sun – from its history, geography, the science behind it, and so on. It is like a modern day (not too modern either) dictionary. Widely used and available in different languages, the Wiki could well be termed as a substitute for a search engine. Since its introduction, it has seen a steep increase in its popularity, and continues to support the internet users. This has been further boosted by Google encouraging Wiki’s data over other relevant data in its search engine result page. The website has helped billions all around, and it explains the Wiki’s becoming a favorite among all internet users. It is essentially a database with facts and figures, and simultaneously allows creation of new database by letting users upgrade and provide updated information about the topic. With a very simplistic and modest look, the Wikipedia uses a simplified version of markup language, done with the help of an efficient text editor. The web pages are supported by highly versatile wiki software which is the result of a strong collaborative approach. The Wikipedia is constantly being updated as we speak, by users all around the globe. And one can find any information under the sun! It can almost be termed as a dictionary of sorts. One of the most important features is that it is freely editable by any user. Users feel free to create and simultaneously edit web pages as per...
An Effective Online Marketing Strategy that CANNOT go wrong

An Effective Online Marketing Strategy that CANNOT go wrong

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An effective SEO strategy, no matter how much explored, continues to be one of the most popular searches online. There have been many online marketing techniques that have been introduced, practiced, then at one point they have been abused, to the extent that those very techniques may now bring down your site’s rating drastically. With every new technique, has come a saturation point after which it has been replaced by something new, simpler and more effective, especially from the user’s point of view. And these SEO techniques have been pretty much dictated by the search engine giant Google, ruling the web world today. The following steps have been practiced and have been found to bring tangible results. These, one can safely claim, are steps that can’t go wrong. The only catch is — they have to be followed religiously without fail, to achieve the desired outcome – a drive that yields high quality web traffic relevant to the business. Here’s listing the tricks involved, in no particular order, to make an effective SEO plan. Back-links, particularly on premier search engines that dictate the web, are a great way to boost the appearance of your site on search engines. Here, you may effectively make use of popular information or data sites since search engines generally follow them. You may have noticed the domination of Wikipedia in Google search engine results, for example. Getting good back-links from similar sites which have high PR will certainly increase your rankings on Google and other such popular searches. Take the help of guest posting since guest blogging offers a number of benefits. It helps...
Website Maintenance & Support

Website Maintenance & Support

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Wondering what is website maintenance, and why do you need it? Imagine this. Your website has multiple links that direct to different sites and data. You had built the links along with your website six months or a year ago. Today, an old client or a visitor chances upon your website. While browsing, he clicks on a link which is supposedly a link to an important content, which is outdated or changed, or is a broken link because it was not updated. The next impression of the visitor towards your website will be that of a poorly maintained site which fails to update itself with current data. It could have a deeper implication on the visitor – that you are no more involved in the technological progress, and have failed to keep your services in line with the current market advancements. This could cost you heavily and you may not even be aware of it. Website maintenance is critical to the smooth running of your business, since the website is your virtual interface, and it represents what you are and what you have to offer to your customer. Anything that you do or offer, which fails to transpire through your site, is worthless, since your customers do not get to know about it and ultimately have no positive impact on your business. Therefore, it is important to keep your site active, live, and working, through constant updates, continuous monitoring of links and features, and blog updates to keep yourself visible to your clients in a positive way. Internet offers cost effective promotion of your business. Over the years internet...
Latest SEO Techniques in the market 2012′ & what is “Bad Link building” practice

Latest SEO Techniques in the market 2012′ & what is “Bad Link building” practice

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Searching the internet is increasing at a lightning speed and a new advancement is being announced almost every month on the technology front. Instances like Google is bringing real time search and Bing results being displayed by Yahoo are to name a few. This trend is known as semantic markup. It is going to be seen increasingly in the future among both the user groups and also among the search engines giants. Use of semantic markup is a program which helps the machines to read and understand data. The use of Micro formats using semantic markup is another technique that, to a great extent, advances your search engine visibility. Put simply, they are a way to format, structure and interpret data from the HTML language. What it does is, it helps the search engines to interpret the kind of data you display on your website, and in turn display the same in relevant search results. This process can be implemented with the existing HTML codes that we use in our websites with our CSS model. A significant achievement has been achieved with the introduction of HTML5. Though this is yet to replace the earlier versions, and it is not even intended to happen; however, this latest version of HTML is an improvement which in particular helps the search engines with its multiple tags. As we know, search engines do not understand our language, they follow the HTML of the site to interpret the kind of content the site has, and which category it falls under. With the availability of more tags in HTML5, it only improves the visibility of...



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