iPhone App Development

Written By admin

Exciting subject? It definitely is for many. iPhone applications  are choking the world wide web, and still counting. And most of them are launched by programmers and developers with an aim to make money. However not all iPhone apps fetch money, in fact most do not fare as per expectation. So what does it take to create a successful app? And what are the areas to watch out for before plunging in? Let’s review some basic entry points that can help shed some light on the process of initiating an iPhone App Development.

Let’s face it, there are a good number of iPhone apps submitted on iTunes every day. So if you intend to launch yours, it better be an efficient app that can help users on the go, or at least successfully engage them for a fair amount of time. Problem solution and entertainment never fails – and these can be key parameters to the success of your app. Otherwise there are big players out there that have had the advantage of a bigger share of the market due to an early launch. So you will be competing with them, who are still working full time to enhance the features of their popular apps. However, that is not to discourage you to come up with your own. The point is, you will be closer to success if you know exactly what you want to achieve and what the aim of your iPhone app is.

At this stage, you may also chalk out any monetization options of your app. It is important to critically judge why would anyone download your app and use it, leave alone paying for the download. Research if there is an existing app that pretty much offers similar results , and if there is one (or more,) if you are able to enhance the customer experience in any way. If you are offering something new, great! If not, you have to have a different perspective to the same scenario, and bring newness and convenience in terms of usability and design elements. Other successful ideas could be user engagement. An app with a very engaging content can work extremely well if marketed properly. Another trick that seldom fails is to identify a small niche with an issue that your app may resolve.

Once you have figured out the objective of the app, it is time to decide on the template. An appropriate template is instrumental in making your app attractive to your intended user base. Next, draw the functional sequence. This is a stage where, if you are not an iPhone developer, you need help. Hire a professional who has worked in the mobile technology and has experience in developing iPhone apps. Chalk out a smooth transition plan from start to finish. Review the plan and finalize it.

Programming the app correctly is the next logical step, and needless to say, you will be in safe hands if you choose a reliable iPhone programmer with a verified background. Depending on business plan, whether you want to do it as extra money or a full time involvement, keeping a dedicated team of your own, even if it is a team of 2 experts, can save you from embarrassing quick fixes and amendments that may be required shortly after your app goes live. This is a critical stage which you should be prepared to face. Once ready, you will submit your app for review by Apple. Create an account in iTunes Connect, and submit your app. You will be shelling out $99 membership fee, but every cent is worth it, because you will step into the world of some of the coolest apps built by some of the hottest brains on the planet!

After your iPhone app passes the quality control, you have your app ready to be downloaded. You are just not done yet. Keep your eyes and ears wide open to see what bumps you are facing, the feedback you receive and the reviews your app receives from users. A quick fix on the requested features (isn’t that quick always!) will ensure your users continue to use the app and you earn your $99 within days if the launch!