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A detailed video demonstration of how the Keyword Ranking Tool works.

Keyword Ranking Tool

We use a revolutionary internet marketing platform. In fact we have been using it for a long time now and have generated tremendous results for our clients. It is essentially a network of websites. When I say websites, I mean genuine, legit websites which either sell a service or a product, like that of mine or yours. So, there are no crappy, spammy website in here. Any legit business owner who wishes to use this platform, will have to join this network and his website becomes part of the network. So far there are around 50 odd thousand websites already in the network. That is actually not too many considering the fact that this platform has been around for the last 10/12 years. One reason, I personally think why not too many people know about it is because anyone who uses it doesn’t want to let others know about it. They have purposely kept it a secret. This system is so good that no one wants to share the secret of their success.

Nuances of Keyword Ranking & how our tool handles it…

Essentially our tool works on the principle of content sharing. As you know, and you like it or not, Google dictates the terms when it comes to search engines optimization. For Google Content is the key.  Any business which is vying for the top spot on search engines usually try to rank on the first page of the search engines for a set of keywords. Depending on whether the business is local or national, they would choose their keywords. For example a roofing professional serving customers in Jacksonville, Florida is a local business and his preferred keywords will be like “Roofing service in jax” or “roof repair JAX, FL”. Now how do you rank your website at the top of all search engines for these keywords? Well that’s where content and links come into play. Most internet marketing agencies start indiscriminate link building activities which Google can detect immediately. Such activities can cause more long term harm to your website rather than any good. Before you realize, the damage is already done and it becomes extremely difficult to get you out of the mess. So the question is how do you differentiate between a good and a bad link? Let me explain. Think of “Good Links” as a kind of recommendation, referral or validation. So, now the question is what would you consider as a genuine recommendation, referral or validation? Let’s refer to some real world examples for better understanding. Which one would you consider a more authentic recommendation – a clinic or hospital recommending a doctor or a florist recommending a chiropractor? Obviously a clinic recommending a doctor would be more rational and trustworthy. Similarly, Google checks for relevance when classifying links. A website getting back-links from another website of the same genre is more authentic than getting a back-link from an unrelated genre. If one plumber website recommends another plumbing website, that is like a great thing! Google actually rank your keywords based on the relevance of the links. Now the question is, being a plumber yourself how do you get a link from another plumber? It is like expecting your competitor to recommend you. Doesn’t happen in the real world? Right? Well, actually it does. That’s precisely where our platform comes in. Whenever you join our platform, your website will be first mapped under the most relevant category. Then we will share content and back-links from other websites belonging to the same or similar category, thereby getting to top ranks for most of your keywords. Clients using our tool can expect 1st page rank for most of their keywords on all search engines.

Minimum KW: 10
Cost: $100/ KW


Minimum KW: 15
Cost: $90/ KW


Minimum KW: 20+
Cost: Variable


So if you are interested to give this platform a try, drop an email to or call our US number at 818-575-6672.

A revolutionary online SEO tool which can help you rank your keywords and any number of them at the top of all search engines – Google , Yahoo and Bing within an incredibly short time. This is irrespective of how competitive your business vertical is and irrespective of where you are located or who you want to compete with.

This platform is essentially a network of more than 50,000 websites from different business verticals which works on the principle of content and link sharing in between related websites. For each of your keyword, we get high quality content written and then it is shared on other websites of similar genre within the network, to generate a back-link to your website. That helps your keywords to rank very fast and maintain its position at the top.

Here are a few examples of lawyer websites that we are working on.
You get an online automated dashboard from where you can manage your content, your links and monitor your progress. We offer very simple pricing. You pay us per keyword per month and there are no contracts so you can cancel anytime you want. Check out our packages in the link given below.

A few important points about our keyword tool:

Any website built in PHP, HTML etc, can take advantage of this platform. WordPress websites are the easiest to integrate because we have a plugin for it. Hosted websites like WIX, etc., cannot be integrated because we cannot put our code there.

You will have to let us install a plugin on your website to be able to join this network.

You will get weekly rank reports to check your progress.

On-page optimization, recommendation and campaign setup is completely free.

You can start with a minimum 10 keyword pack. There are no upper limits.

There are no contracts. You can stop anytime you want. Just uninstall the plugin and you will be out of the platform.

You will have access to your online dashboard from where you can manage and monitor your progress.

Simple pricing – you pay per keyword per month. That’s it.